The Universal Church in Bougainville visits Boira Village.

There are many villages in Bougainville where the Word of God has not reached.
Many are faced with various problems and see no way out. Members from the church explained that due to the lack of the teachings of the Word of God in some villages, people have committed suicide, as they see no way out of their suffering. With this in mind, some members of the church in Arawa organised a meeting point for a short prayer to be made for the people of Boira village.
People travelled half way down from their village to a neutral spot where they got the opportunity to receive prayers and listen to the Word of God. It takes them hours on foot to walk down from the mountains, as the total journey from town to their villages can take up to 5-7 hours.
Nearly 30 people were present for the prayer and they were grateful for the visit.
And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15